Easy Way to Lvl Up Pokemon Cheat Fire Red Myboy Free
Pokemon Fire Red is an enhanced remake of Pokemon Red. Pokemon Fire Red was first released in 2004 on the GameBoy Advance. Still in the year 2020, the following for Pokemon Fire Red and other Pokemon RPG adventure games is as strong as ever, and our collection of Pokemon Fire Red cheats and tips will help you enjoy the game even more.
Our Pokemon Fire Red Cheats page contains our pick of the best cheats for this game, as well as some Pokemon Fire Red tips for anyone that wants to play through the game without any cheats. If you are playing the game on an original GameBoy Advance with a game cartridge, then you'll need to have a GameShark device connected to your console to enter and of the Pokemon Fire Red cheats. We have an article with full instructions on Using GameShark Codes in Pokemon Fire Red.
If you are playing the game with a Rom on an emulator, then you'll need to enter the cheats via the emulator's cheat menu, it's super simple, and many of our GameShark Cheats have a video showing how to enter the cheat code and showing you what happens when they are entered correctly.
Pokemon Fire Red
Below you'll find our pick of the best Pokemon Fire Red Cheats and Tips and the all of the submissions that have been sent in to us more users of our website. We also have a complete Pokemon Fire Red Walkthrough.
Also, check out our Pokemon Fire Red Answers to find thousands of questions of answers related to Pokemon Fire Red.
Pokemon Fire Red Cheats
As well as this page of cheats and tips, we have a dedicated Pokemon Fire Red GameShark Codes page with the best Pokemon Fire Red GameShark Codes.
1. Rare Candy Cheat
Rare candies are used to level up your Pokemon quickly. So it's always handy if you can have a bunch of these so you can level up any Pokemon you want super easily. You can find this unlimited rare candies cheat for Pokemon Fire Red by following this link: Rare Candy Cheat
2. Walk Through Walls / Ghost Code
Let no wall or ocean stop your journey through the map this it cheat that allows you to move freely wherever you like. Known as the Walk through walls cheat or the ghost cheat, it is one of the most popular and most used Pokemon Fire Red cheats out there. Traverse anywhere you want on the map with this Walk Through Walls Code, it's super easy to use allows you to take any shortcut you want, whether it be on land or through water. Click here to grab the Walk Through Cheat
3. Master Ball Cheat
This is a GameShark code to give you unlimited Master Balls in your PC. On this page there is also a code to make everything $1 in the shop. With Master Balls you can literally catch any Pokemon that you come across, so a cheat that will give you as many of these bad boys as you can carry is super cool. You can grab this Unlimited Master Balls Cheats here.
4. Level Modifier Code
If you are looking to catch a Pokemon of a particular level,then this is the code for you. You can set the game so that the next Pokemon that you encounter will be at the level that you specify. Click here to grab the Level Modifier Code
5. Shiny Pokemon Encounter Code
Use this code so that the next Pokemon you come enounter will be Shiny! It's super fun and a great way to easily catch the Shiny version of any Pokemon. Click here to grab the Shiny Pokemon Encounter Code
6. Warp or Teleport Cheat
Move around the map at lightning speed with this Warp Cheat. This code will take you directly to any location you specify from the list on the page immediately. Full instructions are provided on the code page - Warp or Teleport Cheat
7. Everyone I Could Find
This is a large and popular collection of Pokemon Fire Red cheats in our website, it includes a number of popular cheats, and some of the more unusual ones. Have a dig through to see if anything is of interest then try some out. Remember though that you should really only play with one code active at any time. So after using one code, make sure you deactivate it before activating another one. You can grab this popular collection of GameShark Codes for Pokemon Fire Red here: https://www.supercheats.com/gameboyadvance/..
8. Infinite Exp Cheat
Get loads of exp from battles with this cheat. It's super easy to use and the feedback from user has been great. Simply deactivate the cheat when you've reached the exp level you want to get to. Follow this link to get the Pokemon Fire Red Infinite Exp Cheat
Important Cheating Rules:
Only activate one cheat at a time, save your progress before activating a cheat in case things don't go as expected!
Follow this link for more great Pokemon Fire Red Cheats - Pokemon Fire Red Cheats page, and here for more Pokemon Fire Red GameShark Codes
Pokemon Fire Red Tips
As well as the great cheats and codes on our site, we also have a complete Pokemon Fire Red walkthrough. If a complete guide is not what you are looking for then these great gameplay tips which cover the most important parts of the game may come in handy.
Here is our pick of the best Pokemon Fire Red tips.
Which Starter to Pick
At the beginning of the game, you have the choice of which starter Pokemon you will receive from Professor Oak, you can only choose one (unless you are cheating - How to Get All 3 Starters, and each of the starter Pokemon have different strengths are weaknesses, these are summed up pretty well below.
Charmander: If you chose Charmander the first two gyms will be harder since Charmander is fire type and the first gym is rock and the second is water Charmander's biggest weaknesses but the rest of the gym's are easy
Bulbasaur: I would pick Bulbasaur because like I said the first two gym's are rock and water those are weak against Bulbasaur but on the 7th gym is fire type but by the time you get to the 7th gym you have to have a water type by then just to get to the island
Squirle: Squirtle would be good for the first gym then tie at the second then it's tough at the 3rd gym since your going up against Raichu a lightning type
Best Way to Catch Snorlax
There are only two chances to catch a Snorlax in the whole game, unless you using cheats! So you want o be sure you catch him instead of deafeating him if you want to add him to your collection. We have some great advice here Trick to Catching a Snorlax Our tip explains the best Pokemon to use to catch a Snorlax as well as the items you'll need to take with you on your quest.
How to Get a Lucky Egg
Head to the Safari Zone and try to catch Chansey, eventually you may catch a lucky egg instead. With the lucky egg you can get up to 10,000 XP for your Pokemon so they are well worth trying to find. There are more details on this tip, plus some member comments on how they used this tip to get lucky eggs in Pokemon Fire Red, here.
Train Here for Loads of XP
If you want to grind a load of XP for your Pokemon, head to Kindle Road at One Island and use the vs Seeker to battle the fighter type trainers and you'll be bagging a ton of XP in no time at all.
We have more tips, cheats and codes for Pokemon Fire Red if you continue to scroll down, as well as thousands on Pokemon Fire Red Answers
On this other page, you can also find a load of Pokemon Fire Red GameShark Cheats
We have 508 cheats and tips on GBA. If you have any cheats or tips for Pokemon FireRed please send them in here.
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Find the first electric witch under any trash can. Once you do the second electric switch is any of the witches near it.
Hey guys, I play on VisualBoyAdvance-m and I am tired of grinding my Pokemon 5 levels every gym. I can't SEEM TO FIND ANY CHEATS ON ANY WEBSITES. So please help me out
Here are all cheats for Pokemon Fire Red. You can input them with the GameShark or in the cheats section of your emulator.
Walk Through Walls Cheat
Master Code - May or may not be needed - depends on your system
000014D1 000A
10044EC8 0007
Walk Through walls code Gameshark v3 / Action Replay:
509197D3 542975F4
78DA95DF 44018CB4
Cacth Opponent's Pokemon During Battle
4D83B1BF E0F5F507
8E883EFF 92E9660D
B6C5368A 08BE8FF4
90B4977C C0151DC2
Detailed Instructions
With the code turned off fight a trainer. Go to the pokeballs pocket then turn on code.
Press L+R at same time. Use the pokeball you have selected.
Turn off the code after using it.
More Cheats
Cheat code is 1223334444aaaa
If you wish which Pokemon you want type there number in place of aaaa you can see the code of Pokemon in your pokedex
0009 = Repeat Ball
000A = Timer Ball
000B = Luxury Ball
000C = Premier Ball
000D = Potion
000E = Antidote
000F = Burn Heal
0010 = Ice Heal
0011 = Awakening
0012 = Parlyz Heal
0013 = Full Restore
0014 = Max Potion
0015 = Hyper Potion
0016 = Super Potion
0017 = Full Heal
0018 = Revive
0019 = Max Revive
001A = Fresh Water
001B = Soda Pop
001C = Lemonade
001D = MooMoo Milk
001E = Energy Powder
001F = Energy Root
0020 = Heal Powder
0021 = Revival Herb
0022 = Ether
0023 = Max Ether
0024 = Elixer
0025 = Max Elixer
0026 = Lava Cookie
0027 = Blue Flute
0028 = Yellow Flute
0029 = Red Flute
002A = Black Flute
Mastercode (North America)
000014D1 000A
10044EC8 0007
Enter the following CodeBreaker codes to enable the corresponding effect.
Infinite Game Corner Coins
When this code is active and you use a slot machine at the game corner, you will gain 9999 coins. Turn the code off when you hit the max number of coins.
82002DB0 270F
Multiply Item
This code gives you 99 of the first item stored in your PC after clicking B and Down.
74000130 037D
820257C6 0063
Warp to Naval Rock and Birth Island
With the following codes, you can warp to Naval Rock and Birth Island, respectively.
82031dbc 2402
82031dbc 3802
Infinite Money
Infinite money glitch
First you have to put this code on-
83000F9C 0000
First of all chose any starter press A till it comes(You have received this Pokemon)
then, switch on the code and without pressing A/B move to next Pokemon you...
Like this way you can earn all starters.
Check out the video below to see how it works...
Watch the video
167DCBA7 F604FFD2
78DA95DF 44018CB4
509197D3 542975F4
78DA95DF 44018CB4
Hope this helps☺
Side note it only works for john gba ....for me anyways
Rare candy
Master ball:82025840 0001
Rare candys:82025840 0044
82025840 0044
> Go to any pc in the game.
> Open your item storage.
> Withdraw 1 rare candy.
> After that you can withdraw as many rare candies as you'd like.
Master code
4D83B1BF E0F5F507
8E883EFF 92E9660D
B6C5368A 08BE8FF4
90B4977C C0151DC2
Now here r some of my collections
Master code:
00005E18 000A
10044EDC 0007
83005000 61A1
83005002 0A35
Replaces item in PC slot 1 with Rare Candy x 999
820257C4 0044
820257C6 03E7
Replaces item in PC slot 2 with Master Ball x 999
820257C8 0001
820257CA 03E7
Replaces item in PC slot 3 with PP Max x 999
820257CC 0047
820257CE 03E7
Replaces item in PC slot 4 with Max Repel x 999
820257D0 0054
820257D2 03E7
Replaces item in PC slot 5 with Antidote x 999
820257D4 000E
820257D6 03E7
Replaces item in PC slot 6 with Awakening x 999
820257D8 0011
820257DA 03E7
Replaces item in PC slot 7 with Full Heal x 999
820257DC 0017
820257DE 03E7
Replaces item ..
Use this code to get all 8 badges in Pokemon Fire Red. Simply activate the following code in your cheat menu and you'll have all 8 badges added to your account data:
The have all badges cheat will not work immediately, you will have to walk around a bit and make some battles, then check your badges after each battle o see if it is worked.
You may have to do this a few times for the all badges cheat to work.
We have a video showing this cheat in action, and showing that it didn't even work for us right away, we just continued to battle and then after a few battles we checked our badge collection and it was fully complete.
Hey guys,
You've probably have seen this kind of code all over the place, BUT no one told you how to actually GET IT TO WORK !
SurNinja42 here to help you out! ;)
First the
, then the
The CodeBreaker looks like this 82025840XXXX.
Those XXXX are 4 digits from the code list below, which indicate the item you would like to gain.
(Don't worry I'll give an example below)
0001 = Master Ball
509197D3 542975F4
78DA95DF 44018CB4
Rare candy in pc : 82025840 0044
Just go to any poke centre then go to pc.
Your pc then click on whitdraw items
Then you will see rare candy 0x ghen click on it ....
Masterballs : 82003884 0001 only go to any Pokemon mart or depthstore and buy the 1st item on list thatis master ball
Grow your Pokemon faster
And catch 150 pokemons
First you will need to put in the master code
000014D1 000A
1003DAE6 0007
If you have the myboy for free you will have to make two separate bar
The cheat type is Code Breaker
Then you need to put this code to get the Pokemon you want
83007CEE 0XXX <---- this where you will put the number of the Pokemon you want
Bulbasaur 0001
Ivysaur 0002
Venusaur 0003
Charmander 0004
Charmeleon 0005
Charizard 0006
Squirtle 0007
Wartortle 0008
Blastoise 0009
Caterpie 000A
Metapod 000B
Butterfree 000C
Weedle 000D
Fire Red:
59F09908 11E58618
Second line example: mewto
59F09908 11E58618
If I helped comment bellow😊
On open emu emulator for Pokemon fire red version 1.0 copy and paste:
72BC6DFB E9CA5465+A47FB2DC 1AF3CA86 +8D671FD9 6F6BEFF2+78DA95DF 44018CB4+92260D64 28E61FC9+71D615F6 B41C381B+0D280703 38963967+A4144E58 825677D8+F161D5A4 48F9A2DB+33484F68 A56E77E0+D9942118 228420E7+BBB261C7 60CA157C+D9934C25 DC0AAFCF+3E888B0F ECF35A34+13F1DDB5 F92F747C+5DF00218 A3A1FA5E+E07CF65A 99C82988+8B359280 96B97011+F3C920F0 939FB45E+4681C2C8 CAAFD263+B74BFA2D 24733F53+3354F609 3CB6AF8A+1354C1C3 D10F24B0+D93F2C31 16F87180
When you turn on code the box 1 slot 1 on PC will have mew. If you go to move, you can move Mew to box 14, when you go back to box 1 slot 1 another Mew is there. You can get as many mews as you want. They appear to obey in fights. However mine is level 12 and starting ..
If it's already 2016 and you're still playing this game, all of the OLD pkmn modifier codes does not work. It is because of the updates (not sure of specific update)
So here are the codes below:
Fire red Pokemon modifier list
Master code
4D83B1BF E0F5F507
8E883EFF 92E9660D
B6C5368A 08BE8FF4
90B4977C C0151DC2
XXXX being the 4 character ID of the Pokemon you choose.
0002 = IVYSAUR
0006 = CHAR..
33007CF0 00XX
Simply replace the 'XX' with the level of the Wild Pokemon you want to appear.
This only works: levels 1-99
If you don't like this you these codes also:
CCD017E8 EF04228C
030153ED F13BE59A
FC268589 C5E4E44E
Example: FireJP LV100:
030153ED F13BE59A
56307399 25DF4466
Level 1: 8BB602F7 8CEB681A
Level 2: 00939804 4086FF3B
Level 3: 2BD38F05 D5A578B1
Level 4: 5685B807 3787DACB
Level 5: A9E4EA45 3651CADD
Level 6: E37D365E D7EAB6AB
Level 7: 51374592 F7A27768
Level 8: A08DD229 10D187E3
Level 9: D84D4738 70F68A80
Level 10: 4C6C2B8C CD0528EB
Level 11: 1F1785AC 43..
I found This Cheat Off A website Here it is!
Fire Red
It Maybe Hard To Respond To Comments sorry.
72BC6DFB E9CA5465
337B239E B5061765
A3F94196 26E7D330
17543C48 E65E0B97 <-Code (Fire Red)
437065EF 67DF37EF <-Ho-oh
Enter this code first:
Afterwards, enter this one:
Go to the Pokemon storage box 14 and there will be an egg there.
*Make sure that you save your game before you try these codes just in case*
This is a dumbed down, step-by-step guide to fixing this without having to start all over! It has been working fine for me ever since I've done it a while ago. You are all very welcome.
1. Create a new folder.
2. Copy ONLY these THREE files into the new folder: the emulator (vba), the rom (Pokemon fire red/leaf green), and the last saved file from the game (.sgm extension).
3. From the new folder open the emulator, load the rom (file > open > .gba extension) and load the last saved game (file > load > .sgm extension) to continue where you were last.
4. Now go to: options > emulator > save type > Flash 128k. In other words, change it from 64k to 128k.
5. Finally, go to: ..
Talk to Prof. Oak AFTER beating the Elite Four. Now go to the menu. Select option 1 then press B a few times (to exit menu). Talk to Oak. Go and do the same thing with options 322.
Use a gameshark or codebreaker code of walk through walls, then go around the safari counter to the entrance. Then find pokemons you want to catch(you may also battle pokemons in safari if you don't pay for it).
=Action Replay V3 Code=
Never got a shiny b4? Then, this code is perfect 4 you! -GET SHINY POKEMONS NOW!-
Heres the code:
39584B19 D80CC66A
CE71B3D3 1F6A85FB
198DF179 5413C867
73ECB8A0 BDD8B251
D5AFFB37 6855972C
73ECB8A0 BDD8B251
Low on money? Then, use this!
=Cheap Price!=
Here it is:
3C25A344 FD8F451C
AD86124F 2823D8DA
1. Yes
2. No
3. No
4. No
5. Yes
6. No
And there you have it you can now battle the gym leader. He will throw out:
1. Growlithe
2. Ponyta
3. Rapidash
In the Sevii Islands, there are some trainers with Fighting type Pokemon, and if you have a Pokemon that knows the move Thief, you can get the Black Belt item that powers up fighting type moves.
Using MyBoy (Free Version)
Entered these codes:
Rare Candy:
82025840 0044
These are under your Items in your computer
For Masterballs:
Enter the Master Code (I had to do two seperate entries)
000014D1 000A
10044EC8 0007
Now the Masterball Code
82003884 0001
These you have to purchase at the PokeMart. On mine they were under PokeBall for $0, but if you read the description it is a Masterball and when they are in your bag they are Masterballs. Also, I can only seem to buy 1 at a time.
Hope this Helps!
This cheat is just like the Pokemon Modifier cheat where you just replace the last four or three digits of the cheat code.
Unli Masterball (in PC):
82025840 0001
Unli Rare Candies (in PC):
82025840 0044
How to use these codes (FireRed, My Boy - Android GBA Emulator [I got Full Version]):
Step 0) Turn off or delete any code on your Cheat Code List
Step 1) Stand outside of a Pokemon Center
Step 2) Save your game
Step 3) Create your new cheat
Code Name: Rare Candy
Code Type: CodeBreaker
Code: 820258400044
When you save it, it should be already activated.
(if you've already created the cheat code, just activate it)
Some people say brock is hard to beat,well I have figured out a way to beat him with charmander
Ok so rock types are weakend by steel types,but the only problem is that there are no steel type starters
Ok getting to the point: charmander learns a move that in the original red can't,you just have to get lucky,charmander learns a move called metal claw at level 13,level charmander up at viridian forest until charmander learns metal claw,after that go to the pewter gym and use metal claw on brock's Pokemon and *poof* you beat brock [not sure if it works 1-hit ko
When ever you see a dark oval walk up to it and click a and then there will be a berry. But sometimes there won't be berry like in the berry forest on 3 island.[there won't be berries until you pass pewter city]
You need this code 820258400044 and then get infinite rare candies from your pc the go to any pokemart and sell all the rare candies you will still have all your rare candies because you got infinite rare candies but you will have 999999 coins
Have a full party of meowth and fight wild Pokemon or trainers(can't run from wild Pokemon will not work if you do)make sure the meowth's in your party have the ability pick up and after every battle he might pick up a item sometimes it's a nugget sometimes it's something else hope this helps
Legendary Pokemon of Pokemon FireRed
Mewtwo - Mewtwo can be found deep inside the C erulean C ave. You need to fix the Machine on One Island,
Obtain the National Pokedex, and defeat the Elite Four before you can find Mewtwo. It will be at Level 70.
Zapdos - Zapdos can be found at the end of the Power Plant. It will be at Level 50.
Moltres - Moltres can be found somewhere on One Island. It will be at Level 50.
Articuno - Articuno can be found deep inside Seafoam Island. It will be at Level 50.
Ho-Oh - Ho-Oh can be found on Eight Island. It will be at Level 70.
Lugia - Lugia can be found on Eight Island. It will be at Level 70.
Entei - If you chose Bulbasaur as your Stater Pokemon, Entei can be found roaming the Kanto Region after you
Defeat the..
82003884 And add the item number next to the numbers written first
0001 = Master Ball
0002 = Ultra Ball
0003 = Great Ball
0004 = Poke Ball
0005 = Safari Ball
0006 = Net Ball
0007 = Dive Ball
0008 = Nest Ball
0009 = Repeat Ball
000A = Timer Ball
000B = Luxury Ball
000C = Premier Ball
000D = Potion
000E = Antidote
000F = Burn Heal
0010 = Ice Heal
0011 = Awakening
0012 = Parlyz Heal
0013 = Full Restore
0014 = Max Potion
0015 = Hyper Potion
0016 = Super Potion
0017 = Full Heal
0018 = Revive
0019 = Max Revive
001A = Fresh Water
001B = Soda Pop
001C = Lemonade
001D = MooMoo Milk
001E = Energy Powder
001F = Energy Root
0020 = Heal ..
-These are CodeBreaker Codes and will WORK with GBA.
-These codes are for FireRed US version.
Remember having only Sunkern when you try to catch Hoenn pokemons? Solution is using CodeBreaker instead of GameShark.
-I didn't try to use both GameShark and CodeBreaker, so it may cause problems. Be warned!
First, add "Master Code" of CodeBreaker for FireRed:
000014D1 000A
1003dae6 0007
Secondly, add "Desired Pokémon Code" after you enabled "Master Code":
Now, after you copy+paste "Desired Pokémon Code", replace those "XXXX" letters and write the number of the Pokémon you want. (Pokémon numbers are listed..
In order to copy a Pokemon you must have two devices and a trading cord. To clone the Pokemon trade the desired Pokemon from the master side of the cord(The master part of the cord is the side that says a confirm b cancel the non-master part only says click b to cancel) after the trade is done leave the room then turn both systems off and on then the Pokemon will be on both systems holding the same items and the same level. If this failed than you probally copied the other Pokemon.
For the first trainer an electric Pokemon, the second water, psychic,the third ice or dragon,the best four the rival electric, water, psychic, rock, and depending on the Pokemon that your rival had as his starter Pokemon blastoise=grass Charizard=water venisar=fire
Hope this Helps
Note: This hint is designed for the first time you face the Elite 4 and not afterwards.
The first thing you will need to understand is that accuracy is everything. You will want to be using attacks with a high acuracy and a high PP, this first step is so simple anyone can accomplish it.
For example: those people who say to use thunder are far less likely to win than those who will tell you to use thunderbolt. This is for a very simple reason; the extra 30 power is not worth the huge drop in accuracy and as long as you set up some good stat boosts the difference is irrelevant anyway.
Below is the ideal team for taking on the Elite 4 without using the legendary Pokemon and below it is a simple overveiw of the attacks to use.
(All of these Poke..
So I've tried the GameShark codes to the T for making any Pokemon you chose appear in the wild. Needless to say, they didn't work for me, and it seems they don't work for many others either. I did some searching and found a CodeBreaker version (most emulators allow CodeBreaker cheats as well) and it worked like a charm for me. Here it is.
Pokemon Fire Red MasterCode:
000014D1 000A
10044EC8 0007
Wild Pokemon Modifier Code:
This part requires it's own special MasterCode. Here it is:
000014D1 000A
1003dae6 0007
The Species Modifier Code for altering the wild Pokemon is here:
XXXX being the 4 character ID of the Pokemon you choose.
Go to viridian city and talk to the old man and let him teach you how to catch pokemon. Watch the man catch a Pokemon then fly to cinnibar island. Walk right until you get to the coast which isnt far. Use surf and go up and down the coastline (do not go out stay right where you start!)yo should have to fight a missingno. Or another weird-named creature. DO NOT CATCH THEM!!!! After you kill it, the 6TH object in your items wil have a weird symbol and a 9. If you do not do this correctly you will have to fight something random like a snorlax or a rattata or somethin. I caught a Mew there once! I swear this works. Try it with a nugget or rare candy, thats what I do. Remember, use select to change what you more of to the SIXTH spot in your items!
If you catch loads of chansey from the safari zone you could end up with one of the having something called a Lucky Egg.
A Lucky Egg is something that gives your Pokemon up to 10000 exp and could easily get your Pokemon to level 100
LEADER: Lorelei
Pokemon TYPE: Ice
Pokemon: Dewgong lv. 52 ; Slowbro lv. 52 ; Lapras lv. 54 ; Cloyster lv. 51 ; Jynx lv. 54
HOW TO WIN: Zapdos is the Pokemon to use here. Use thunder on Dewgong, thunder on slowbro, thunderbolt twice on Lapras, thunder on Cloyster, then switch to Moltres (or Charizard if you have him) and use flamethrower on Jynx. When you win, you get a little over $10,000 for winning. Then move on to Bruno after you do necessary healing, switching etc. Switch your leader to Dragonite then head on to Bruno's room.
Pokemon TYPE: Rock/Fighting
Pokemon: Onix lv. 51 ; Hitmonchan lv. 53 ; Hitmonlee lv. 53 ; Machamp lv. 56 ; Onix lv. 54
HOW TO WIN: Using your D..
5 rare candy locations,
Behind the house in Cerulean City.
Mt. Moon
Rocket game corner
Ghost tower
Behind the boulder in the Safari Zone's Warden's House.
Also, use meowth or something with pickup and hope to be lucky.
Hope this helps!
National Dex:
Have over sixty Pokemon in your Pokedex and defeat the Elite Four. Return to Pallet Town and see the professor. He will give the National Dex to Gary and yourself. You can use it to see the data for all 386 Pokemon.
Use the following trick to get the National Pokedex before defeating the Elite 4. Pokemon Ruby or Sapphire and an already completed game of Fire Red or Leaf Green is required. Trade a Pokemon that does not appear in Fire Red or Leaf Green into the completed version. Then, use the wireless link to send the new Pokemon into the incomplete game.
4D83B1BF E0F5F507
8E883EFF 92E9660D
B6C5368A 08BE8FF4
90B4977C C0151DC2
Press L+R before running away!
Aurora Ticket/Deoxys:
Download the Aurora Ticket at Nintendo Events to be able to go to Birth Island to get Deoxy.
When you get your first Pokemon pick bulbasuar so that way you will have the advantge againest the first 2 gym leaders. If you pick charamander you will have the disadvantge againest Brock and Misty. If you pick squirtle you will have the advantge againest Brock but not Misty, Surge, or the Celadon city gym leader.
I hope this helps alot.:]
A good place to train is KINDLE ROAD in one island.Battle the fighting type trainers it is sure to give you a good amount of EXP.points.Just keep using the vs.seeker.
You can get loads of money by giving an Amulet Coin to your first Pokemon. Then, after beating the Elite 4 and completing the Celio mission, go to Five Island. Go surf up to Resort Gorgeous. Go right and go to the bigger island. Go to the extreme left. Fight Lady Jacki. She has a Lv.48 Hoppip and a Lv.50 Skiploom. Beat her with a Flying or Fire type then she will give you $20,000 if you gave your first Pokemon the Amulet Coin. You can use the VS Seeker and keep challenging her to get loads of cash! I got $500,000 through this method!
After beating the Elite 4 and do the Celio mission, go to Five Island and surf up to Resort Gorgeous. Go right and into the lost cave. Save Lady Selphy and after that, go see her in her house. She will say she is bored and will request to see a Pokemon. Go back to Five Island and get that Pokemon from the PC and put it into your party. Go back to her house and she will get her butler to reward you. He will give you: Luxury Ball, Nugget, Pearl, Big Pearl, Stardust, Star Piece and Rare Candy. The hardest items to find that she'll give you are the Luxury Ball and the Rare Candy. The others you can sell for tons of money. I got 20 Luxury Balls, 2 Rare Candies and $10,000 worth of sold items.
Mewtwo - Mewtwo can be found deep inside the Cerulean Cave. You need to fix the Machine on One Island, obtain the National Pokedex, and defeat the Elite Four before you can find Mewtwo. It will be at Level 70.
Zapdos - Zapdos can be found at the end of the Power Plant. It will be at Level 50.
Moltres - Moltres can be found somewhere on One Island. It will be at Level 50.
Articuno - Articuno can be found deep inside Seafoam Island. It will be at Level 50.
Ho-Oh - Ho-Oh can be found on Eight Island. It will be at Level 70.
Lugia - Lugia can be found on Eight Island. It will be at Level 70.
Entei - If you chose Bulbasaur as your Stater Pokemon, Entei can be found roaming the Kanto Region after you defeat the Elite Four. It w..
1. Lower it's HP. The less HP it has, the better.
2. Make the it Fall Asleep.
3. Throw Ultra Balls at it.
4. If it awakens, make it fall back asleep and continue to through Ultra Balls.
I think route 6 is the best route for training Pokemon (before and after elite 4). It trains all types (but bugs). I have a pikachu, well had one caught it level 3 now it's a riachu (I have the riachu but not the pikachu, it's why I said "had").
It's Lv.100 and it's stats are attack 196 defense 150 sp.atk 249 sp.def 204 and speed 243 it's female with HP 241. It's stronger than my charizard (Lv.46 Male) The route best trains electrics. Because there are a load of fling types (why you can train bugs). I pass it on from me to you. Happy training. Also exspect more from me I know my pokemon.
These are the best attacks I prefer for each type
PSYCHIC : psychic/dream eater(dream eater if you have hypnosis.)
GHOST : shadow ball
POISON : sludge bomb
ELECTRIC : thunderbolt/thunder(thunder if you have rain dance)
ICE : ice beam
FIRE : flame thrower
ROCK : rock slide
NORMAL : hyper beam/giga impact/strength(many people would prefer return for their Pokemon but these moves are my opinions.)
DARK : crunch
DRAGON : dragon claw/outrage(dragon claw would be better as outrage causes confusion after 2 to 3 turns.)
FLYING : drill peck/aerial ace
WATER : hydro pump/surf
GRASS : leaf blade/solar beam (solar beam is okay only if the Pokemon has sunny day.)
BUG : mega horn
The codes below will help you get through fire red without all th b.s fake codes or long winded garbage to do I've kept this simple so if starting from the start don't enter untill I repeat untill you have deliverd oaks package and returned to viridian city and at the pokemart first enter the pc item mod and then the inf pc item code and their you go you should now have unlimited rare candies in youre pc now it should be obvious withdraw say 800 candies and sell them until you reach 99999999 and reapeat process untill you have enough to level youre Pokemon up untill youre satisfied to buy master balls at the pokemart for free the downer is you can only get one at a time but they are free the othe items listed below you can get at the mart at any time but cost so be wraned also must disab..
An easy way to catch a drinati is to go to the safari zone and go to the top right zone and use a super rod to fish for drinati but fishing is one thing to do that doent take steps to do you keep fishing wile surfing for good results
You don't need rock smash to get Mewtwo. All you need is surf, a Pokemon that can freeze, Paralyze, or sleep Mewtwo. And patience. (or a masterball) and access to Cerulean cave.
To get inf. PC mode items on Pokemon Fire Red you'll need to insert the following code 82025840 followed by the
Item code
EXAMPLE: 82025840 0044 - This will get you unlimited Rare Candies in your PC
Here is a video which shows you exactly how to execute this infinite items cheat:
Watch the video
Item codes:
0000 = No Item
0001 = Master Ball
0002 = Ultra Ball
0003 = Great Ball
0004 = Poke Ball
0005 = Safari Ball
0006 = Net Ball
0007 = Dive Ball
0008 = Nest Ball
0009 = Repeat Ball
000A = Timer Ball
000B = Luxury Ball
000C = Premier Ball
000D = Potion
000E = Antidote
While I was sleeping I gained exp for my Pokemon arcaine. It started out as a level 30 and now it's a level 42. I put him in the day care and went to the rocket hide out in cleadon city. What I did was step on those arrow tiles that make you move to a stoping area. I weighed the button down that makes me walk to the arrow tha sends me backwards to the stop post. For every step I took it gave arcanie 1 exp. This trick works better if you have more room to walk.
Hope I helped
First of all you should choose a charmander they become very strong and can also learn dragon moves wich are usefull against the last one of the elite four
Charizard lv 60+
Lapras lv 50+
Snorlax lv 50 +
Vileploom lv 50 + (leaf stone needed)
Riachu lv 50 + (thunder stone needed)
Pidgeot lv 50 +
Go to two isalnd and surf in the little pond at the bottom of the waterfall, stand on the little square of dirt and use itemfinder, pp max should be there
Beat elite four and get 60 Pokemon talk to pro.Oak. He will give you national Dex. Then go to 1 island talk to dood in p.c and then go to the mountain you had to go to to catch moltres. You will see team rocket. Battle beat them find sapphire in cave. Give it to dood in p.c. An you get national Dex.
After you beat the 7th gym leader bill will come up to you and will ask do you want to go to 1 island with me?then you press yes and a boat will appear and bingo you go to the islands.
First I recommend a charizard lv 65+ also get a kadabra lv 50+ and a haunter lv 55+ trust me it Will work the haunter for agatha then a good zapdos I used lv.56 and dew gong or cloister with ice beam and surf lv 53 maybe a gyardos or seadra with hyper beam lv 45+ and last your choice. Hope this helped : ) Tyranitar1x23
In FireRed and LeafGreen, you can get a Lava Cookie much earlier than you normally are able to. It also is a bit of an easter egg Nintendo put in the game.
Remember back to the days of are/B/Y, when all the crazy "MOVE the TRUCK BY the SS ANNE AND GETZ A Mew LOLOL" rumors were flying around? Well, if you do that same glitch in FR or LG, you can still find the truck, this time with a Lava Cookie.
To do this, you'll need a few things.
1st Visit to Vermillion (Getting CUT)
1. Beat every trainer onboard EXCEPT ONE (I leave the guys in the far left basement room alone).
2. After beating Gary, but before talking to the Captain, leave the ship and replace your party with a weak Pokemon (I like catching a Rattata on Route 4 for this).
Go to the route between saffron and lavender.talk to the old guys b because they hav lots of money.(Items needed:amulant coin,vs seeker,and bike.)just keep using vs seeker and give amulant coin to your first Pokemon.
Use a exp. Share until lapras learns ice beam. Than take him to seven island. There is a girl on the edge of the bridge. Use vs. Seeker and use nothing but ice beam. I raised mine to lv. 66 in 3 hours.
Make sure you have a TM called rain dance and thunder.(you get thunder at the power plant.)Teach an electric Pokemon both TM's.(while fighting loreli don't use rain dance.) HOpe this helped.
As soon as you win/lose the battle with your rival go right abve Pallet Town and walk within 2 little patches of grass and try to find as many Rattatas as you can. BATTLE ALL WILD Pokemon ENCOUNTERED NO MATTER WHAT!!!!! With every level encountered you get 8 experience points. While you're right there the highest level you'll face is 4 so stay there up to level 11. Then you want to head to route 22 and you'll face mainly level 4s and 5s. Have fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Get a pikachu in viridian forest. Raise it as much as you can before the 2nd gym leader and when you defeat her pikachu should be level 25(well thats where mine was). When you get tm dig teach it to pikachu and until afer the 3rd gym act like pikachu is your starter. Now if you have done this right you should have a level 28+ pikachu that knows dig. Use pikachu in all the battles in that gym and your opponent's moves should not be very effective. Now use dig as much as you can but be careful.At the gym leader,his Raichu will use one electric type attack and he will start using things like slam which if you raise your pikachu on attack then you will faint if you're hit by it about two or three times. Hope this helps you as much time it took me to type because it took me twenty minutes to ..
1.Open your game in visual boy advance which looks like
2.Now keep your desired ditto or unowns as your first Pokemon.
3.Now select the cheats tab on your vba.
4.Then click the gameshark option and title it "Master Code", and paste the code given below:-
" 0000295F000A
830050020000 "
5.Then click "ok" on the gameshark option.
6.Then again clic..
If you have a pokeball or greatball availble and there is a really good Pokemon (depends what level and where they appear rare or common) and you are too power and might kill them? Well, throw that ball but make sure you have a lot. When you throw it don't press anything until it hits the ending point, at that point, Press and hold the A button. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't, but it does help alot when trying to catch legendaries. Articuno is the worst to try with pokeballs and greatballs, All though I didn't have enough money at the time to get ultraballs. But you do that and many times if needed, if you do it right the first time, you will catch 60% of the Pokemon you find on the first throw. Hope this helps you catching Pokemon.
May Arceus be with you.
First beat all the 8 gym leaders,then go to the victory road,pass all the agents and be in the indigo plateau and walk in the cave.you can see the most time a onix
Buy tons of pokeballs. Hopefully you still have your master ball with you. But after you get to go to mewtwo buy tons of pokeballs (at least 300 of them) and then you find your way through the maze. And then you fight him. Weaken him (he will use recover) and use the pokeballs. This technique has been passed from my family that played Pokemon (brother) it works. Sometimes if your super freaking lucky you can catch him on the first try. I hope this helps you out
Email me @ [email protected]
For this get Charmander at the beginning of the game. When you beat the elite four already get your Charmander into a Charizard and get a water Pokemon I prefer Vaporeon but then you can use just Charizard to beat the elite four. Get Charizard to Level 100 and let it know the moves Fly/Flamethrower/Dragonclaw/Wing Attack but if you use the right moves on the right Pokemon and yes you can use Charizard on Lorelei and defeat all her Pokemon (cloyster can be defeated with one or two flamethrowers. The rest is your decision) I don't have the game now. It belongs to someone else but it was my idea to use just charizard and a water Pokemon when I needed to. Flamethrower Steelix (both) then fly on hitmonlee and hitmonchamp and then fly on machamp (hopefully it likes you and hits 100% of the tim..
Here are the prizes that you can get from the game corner in FireRed
TM13 Ice Beam - 4,000 Coins
TM23 Iron Tail - 3,500 Coins
TM24 Thunderbolt - 4,000 Coins
TM30 Shadow Ball - 4,500 Coins
TM35 Flamethrower - 4,000 Coins
Smoke Ball - 800 Coins
Miracle Seed - 1,000 Coins
Charcoal - 1,000 Coins
Mystic Water - 1,000 Coins
Yellow Flute - 1,600 Coins
For FireRed Only
Abra - 180 Coins
Clefairy - 500 Coins
Dratini - 2,800 Coins
Scyther - 5,500 Coins
Porygon - 9,999 Coins
-These are CodeBreaker Codes and will WORK with GBA.
-These codes are for FireRed US version.
Remember having only Sunkern when you try to catch Hoenn pokémons? Solution is using CodeBreaker instead of GameShark.
-I didn't try to use both GameShark and CodeBreaker, so it may cause problems. Be warned!
First, add "Master Code" of CodeBreaker for FireRed:
000014D1 000A
1003dae6 0007
Secondly, add "Desired Pokémon Code" after you enabled "Master Code":
Now, after you copy+paste "Desired Pokémon Code", replace those "XXXX" letters and write the number of the Pokémon..
First of all you have to copy the first code that is 82003884 then copy these codes like this 82003884 xxxx here they are
0001 = Master Ball
0002 = Ultra Ball
0003 = Great Ball
0004 = Poke Ball
0005 = Safari Ball
0006 = Net Ball
0007 = Dive Ball
0008 = Nest Ball
0009 = Repeat Ball
000A = Timer Ball
000B = Luxury Ball
000C = Premier Ball
005D = Sun Stone
005E = Moon Stone
005F = Fire Stone
0060 = Thunder Stone
0061 = Water Stone
0062 = Leaf Stone
0067 = Tiny Mushroom
Mmz mm = Coin Case
0105 = ItemFinder
0106 = Old Rod
0107 = Good Rod
0108 = Super Rod
0109 = S.S. Ticket
010A = Contest Pass
010C = Wailmer Pail
Okay, so anyone who has played Pokemon Fire Red knows the whole story with the two Snorlax. It puts a bit a pressure on oneself when you know there's only two in the entire game. So basically, you only get two chances to catch Snorlax. (Unless you trade it in from another game) Well, I just realized a way to keep the stress off from thinking "There's only two in the whole game!" This only works for an emulator (Like VideoBoyAdvanced). This isn't really a cheat, just a game tip.
I fought the same Snorlax a good 6 times before I caught him. And I haven't even gone after the other one yet. But first I want to refresh your memory, or inform you about Snorlax. He has some very high defenses against most attacks and is at lvl 30. His Rest ability can be a pain in the butt but you j..
Go to route 7. Run around in the tall grass until you see a Growlithe. Cach it. Then go to the Celadon Dept. Store in celadon city. Buy a fire stone from the lady at the back of the 4th floor. It cost $2100. Use the fire stone on your Growlithe, it should evoulve to Arcanine. Hope this works!
ok first you have to put your weak pokemon at the top of your party.Next have your strongest pokemon somewhere in your party. Then fight someone way stronger then your weak pokemon but weaker then your srong pokemon. When its your turn to fight switch your pokemon to your strongest and knock out that pokemon. After that your weak pokemon get a share of the overall points gained fromt he battle
first beat the pokemon league and get the national dex and return the ruby and sapphire to celio and then cerulean cave will be unlocked go in find mewtwo in the last floor
pp max can be found at two island near the waterfall(in the pond), there is a small plot of land, use the itemfinder
When you get the HM Surf go to the Rock Tunnel don't go inside instead go to right go up and go pass the grass come prepared with (Ultra and Great Balls and Lv.23-37 pokemon) also some Super or Hyper Potions ok after you go into the water and surf go down until you reach the Power Plant go inside go through the maze find zapdoes and catch it.
First go to island 7 go to the left and you will see a patch of grass. keep going down until you see a small cave called Tanoby Key. Go inside and you will see boulders an these dots on the ground. Put the boulders on the dots and their will be a loud noise. A text will appear and it will say that there was an echo far away. Head to the Tanoby chambers and go inside. Run aroun a few times and an Unkown will appear.
For your pokemon, to train pikachu, go to the area, straight below mount moon entrance.
to train nidoran and weedle/... go to viridian forest ,and bulbasaur, go to the patch below viridian city
I have a little book of cheats here, I will tell you some of them.
Jirachi - An easy way to get one, you must have:
Nintendo Gamecube/Nintendo Wii
Pokemon Channel (Gamecube game)
Gameboy to Nintendo Gamecube/Gameboy trading cable
Pokemon Ruby or Pokemon Sapphire with Hall Of Fame
2 Nintendo Gameboys
And of course... Pokemon Fire Red!!!
1. Set up your Pokemon Channel disc and insert it into the Gamecube.
2. Turn the power button on and click 'Special.'
3. Follow the instructions and press 'Yes' to transfer it.
4. Insert your trading/link cable into your Game Boy and slot 2 on your Gamecube/Wii.
5. Watch as you recieve it - and swap Jirachi (Lv 5 with Rest, Wish and Confusion) with your Pokemon Fire Red cartirge ..
before you try catch suicine i suggest u have a pokemon who is fast and has mean look or areana trap (dugtrio has areana trap but is too slow) (but maybe haunter is good because it hasmean look and kinda fast)good luck :>
When you fight Giovvani in the Rocket Hideout,Go to the the right and left blocks in front of the blocks at the wall.There will be a Nest Ball and Net Ball.You may also get the Balls at the Rocket Warehouse.(The hideout is under the Celadon Game Corner).
This is a hint for any Pokemon game.
Grass type=Easy
Water type=Regular
Fire type=Hard
Hope this helps!
An easy way to get EXP, is when you get farther enough, keep facing the Elite 4. This is only for Pokemon higher than 50+. If not, then it will be hard.
To do this you must go to silph co where you get the master ball. First you need to obtain the key thing. Then open every door til you find the guy that gives you a phr33 lapras! To do this you can't have obtained the master ball yet..
Happy Birfday!
In Pokemon FireRed, there is 3 legendary bird, and one of them is Moltres.
When I battle it, I found a easy way to catch it. Now here is how:
1. You need a (eg. Flareon, Ponyta)
2. Then get a lot of great/Ultra balls
3. Find Moltres and Battle it
4. Use the Pokemon that has ability Flash Fire
5. Weaken it
6. Throw those balls on it
You can find magmar in the grassy area in the top left area of mt ember
Here a good reasons for starter chosing
Charmander:if you chose charmander the first two gyms will be harder since charmander is fire type and the first gym is rock and the second is water charmanders biggest weaknesses but the rest of the gym's are easy
Bulbasaur:I would pick bulbasaur because like I said the first two gym's are rock and water those are weak against bulbasaur but on the 7th gym is fire type but by the time you get to the 7th gym you have to have a water type by then just to get to the island
Squirle:Squirtle would be good for the first gym then tie at the second then it's tough at the 3rd gym since your going up against raichu a lightning type
There are all my tips for starter Pokemon and please rate thanks
Source: https://www.supercheats.com/gameboyadvance/pokemonfirered.htm
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